Saturday, July 18, 2009

Canoe tip!

When me and my Dad and my brother went to fathers and sons day. When we got there we set up our tent. When it was the middle of the day me and my Brother went coning!
When we got in the middle of the lake we got stuck in the moss!But we got out.
But when we got to the beaver dam......... the canoe tipped over! So we got out of the water and went back to shore and went home and took a shower and got some warm clothes on
but I was still freezing!So my Mom got my robe and a blanket and got me warm.
The End p.s. the next day my dad went with me and it
didn't tip!

1 comment:

Alison said...

I love this story Shaun! You are starting to become a great writer. How cold was the water? I'm glad you were okay. Did you know I've never been in a canoe before?