Saturday, December 6, 2008


shaun flipping over

lake powell rock climbing

Thursday, December 4, 2008

new rug

we got a new rug on deacember thursday the 4th!it's cool. The color of the rug is white-ish, brown-ish, and a little bit of orenge. The people that cam and did it where spanish. They used haff of the rug. We made the visting room into the ... living room. I like our new living room espeshily the hall.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

what do you want for christmas

what do you want for christmast. 1 . i want a ipod .2.nintendoDS game.3.a wii game.and 4.a sis Alison is comin out for better be good you kids!or santa will be giving you coal.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Christmas Trees Hunt

On Thanksgiving morning we woke up and got ready to find ourselves a Christmas tree. My sister, Alison, got a tall, bushy tree. My tree was little, round, and bushy. Tito Pabling and Tita Marife found their tree really quick. Annie and Button even came. They are dogs. We had a Thanksgiving feast after that. We had crab, shrimp, ham, meat, cranberry sauce, egg rolls, pumpkin pie, raspberry pie, blueberry pie, lemon meringue pie, rice, pancit, and sugar cookies. It was good.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

In the Ocean

I like to swim in the philippine ocean. It's cool. I saw star fish, many little fish. I saw a sea horse. I saw a sea. I saw many sea shells and colorful fish.
I saw sand dollars and crabs. I want to do it again.

My snake

Let's see you do this !! ha ha

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Welcome to Shaun's cool blog!

This is Shaun's coolest, fun, most awesome blog. I'll be putting lots of neat pictures on it so you can see what is happening in Pleasant Valley. I hope you like it!
By the way, anyone can write comments on my blog by clicking on "comments" at the bottom of each post.