Saturday, December 6, 2008


shaun flipping over

lake powell rock climbing

Thursday, December 4, 2008

new rug

we got a new rug on deacember thursday the 4th!it's cool. The color of the rug is white-ish, brown-ish, and a little bit of orenge. The people that cam and did it where spanish. They used haff of the rug. We made the visting room into the ... living room. I like our new living room espeshily the hall.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

what do you want for christmas

what do you want for christmast. 1 . i want a ipod .2.nintendoDS game.3.a wii game.and 4.a sis Alison is comin out for better be good you kids!or santa will be giving you coal.