Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas Vacation!

Today is the last day of school of December for me!
Today (December 21 2010) we had our Christmas program!
3rd grade had to ware pajamas and slippers!
I whore Bigfoot slippers and some people had to wear socks because they didn't have slippers.
We sang two songs.
One is named Rocking on the rooftop and the other ones name is I'm getting slippers this Christmas.
Christmas is near and I wonder what I'm going to get from Santa Claus this year.
Here in Pleasant Vally the snow is over a foot!!!!!!
Its weird because last week we had no snow and now we have snow that's been coming down for three days straight!!!
Well thats it for today so
sincerely Shaun

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving and Christmas tree hunt

Hi everybody! Yesterday my family and I went to get a Christmas tree! Well I went with my brother Layne to help him find a Christmas tree because my sister was sick and stayed at my house with my mom. Also yesterday we had our Thanksgiving feast. What we had was rice,turkey,salad,ham,rolls,egg rolls,cherry pie,lemon pie and pumkin pie. What did you have for Thanksgiving?

Monday, November 15, 2010

Veterans Day

Hello everybody! I haven't wrote on my blog for a really long time! Well I'm going to tell you how my Veterans Day went. O.K.! My Veterans Day was a blast.We had a program at school on November 11,2010(Veterans Day). For our program we sang only 2 songs. One was called We Remember and the other ones name I can't remember. The 5th grade did a poem named Flanders Fields. Ty Gillman memorised the whole thing and the rest of the class,well.......they had to read it off of a paper. After the program was over my Mom,Dad,Grandma and Grandpa got to eat lunch with me. Not many of the Army,Airforce,Navy and Millatary were there though. I hope you guy's liked my post.
Shaun K. Hicken
P.S. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Long Time No See

Sorry I haven't posted for a while.I've been busy with my baptism cards and planning my Birthday because my birthday is on the same day as my baptism!We went fishing on Saturday June 5 2010 witch was free fishing day and we didn't catch anything but moss."(Sad)"I've been trying to post a new post but I can't can't find the plug to the camera plus the computer.That's it! The End

Friday, April 2, 2010

April Fool's Day

On April fool's day, I fooled LOT'S of people! Guess what I did to my Uncle Lan,I put batteries in his pajama's and I said to him did you now that if you're hand is bigger than your face you'll have cancer? And then he put his hand on his face and I slaped his hand into his face!Another thing I did was put a lizard in my Mom and Dad's bed!I fooled my Mom a lot of times.
P.S.How was your April fool's day?
P.P.S.Pleasse comment.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Funny Doggy!

  • .Do you want to know what happend to Botton
    my ant's dog?
  • .This is what happend. My uncle Lan made a balloon band and put it around Botton's neck!
  • .Then I pulled it up and then he looked like a chewwawa!
  • Then he pushed it down with his paw and poped it! My ant got scared when she heard it pop!
  • When he went under a chair and right out of it it went bbbbbbrrrrhhb! The End

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Brothers Married!

Hello can't you believe Andy's married!
Well hope you like pictures!


NOW LOOK!!!!!!!!

LOOK! LOOK ! LOOK!!!!!!!!!

Auuu how cute.

Ha this is me.


Look it's Jesus!

Here's the cake Mmm...................
Um this is good want some man?
Munch munch munch

And here's the Seattle Temple
they got married in. Hoped you liked
the pictures!

The End P.S. happy new year!